It takes many components to build a home, and as a builder, you have to make many decisions to make. The homes you build need to be of quality construction, attractive and offer inviting features to pull in buyers. Though not a physical characteristic such as a large kitchen island or crown molding, a new home warranty is an equally impressive detail that proves to be advantageous over and over again.
If you haven’t ever thought about offering a warranty on your homes or are wondering “What’s in it for me?”, Residential Warranty Company, LLC (RWC) has the answers.
1. Opens the Door:
Homeowners looking for assurance that they have picked a quality builder are more confident in their choice when the RWC warranty comes with their home. And RWC’s approval by FHA and VA can assist you with your sales and help eliminate inspections and facilitate settlements.
2. Levels the Playing Field
Customer service can be a tricky issue. Homebuyers today can be demanding and unfortunately, too often unreasonable. Yet your reputation and future referrals often hang in the balance. You can provide an implied warranty (increase your exposure) and take a chance. Or you can provide the RWC written warranty (limit exposure) and enjoy its benefits. Specific warranty standards help you manage customer service problems and reduce costs. The RWC warranty puts “reason” back into the equation and lets you provide fair customer service. And when disputes arise - as they certainly will - RWC offers effective mediation and binding arbitration.
3. Marketing Tool takes lots of tools to build a house. It also takes lots of tools to build a business and RWC provides you with some great marketing tools. Buyers today want choices and RWC offers more choices in warranty plans than any other warranty company. Convincing a buyer that you have what he wants or needs is the surest way to a sale. We want to help you convince that buyer. Not only does RWC offer a 10 year new home warranty, but a variety of other warranties are available as well. Other options include remodeling warranties, detached garage, building systems, HUD-code warranties, and customized state warranties... just to name a few. See our entire menu of choices here.
Don’t hesitate ~ RWC is a great addition to your toolbox! Talk to an RWC Account Executive today about the benefits of being an RWC Member or click here to get a warranty quote.
Typically home buyers have the choice of two types of homes on the market: resale or new. According to NAHB, home buyers planning to buy (or build) a brand-new house or condo often cite energy efficiency, an open floor plan, a warranty, and being able to select specific items such as appliances, types of flooring, and colors schemes as factors driving their choice.
Let’s talk about that one intangible product homeowners want that isn’t used or seen on a daily basis - a warranty. Friends and family may admire the great room’s high ceilings or ooh and ahh over the gourmet stove, but that doesn’t make a warranty any less attractive. In the event that a home would develop a Defect, a homeowner will be grateful that their Builder was savvy enough to protect their home with a warranty. The average cost to repair a major structural failure exceeds $30,000. Having a written and insured warranty in place on the home means that warranted structural components will be repaired without causing the homeowner serious financial hardship. Now that kind of peace-of-mind is truly priceless.
The numerous advantages of having a warranty on a newly built home simply go beyond words on paper. It's a state of mind -- a feeling of security and comfort. In fact, a new home warranty from Residential Warranty Company, LLC (RWC) is one of the least expensive, longest lasting products a builder can purchase for the homes they build. It brings incredible value to the table not only for the builder and the initial sale but subsequent resale value as well.
With over 3 million homes warranted and 35+ years’ experience under our belt, RWC and affiliates have established itself as a rock solid leader in home protection and risk management. So we ask, besides your standard 10-year warranty, how else can RWC help you and your buyers?
Remodeling? There's a warranty for that. Building a modular or log home or working on a commercial project? We have that covered, too. Or maybe you’re looking for something a little more customized for the state you build in? We’ve got an exclusive for you! RWC’s Customized State Warranty (CSW) Program is the most unique and specialized warranty program in the industry. Each individual state warranty is crafted to meet that state’s statutes regarding new home warranties. Also available are free training session for your staff, free marketing materials, and various commercial lines of insurance including general liability, builder’s risk and contractor’s equipment exclusively for members through the RWC Insurance Advantage.
Whether you are brand new to RWC or a longtime member, know that we are here to help you provide the peace of mind that homeowners crave. Be sure to take full advantage of the numerous warranty options and services. Don’t miss this opportunity to give your buyers the best house warming gift yet!