Ever REALLY wonder why you buy insurance? Many states require you to carry General Liability to maintain a license. Other entities require proof of insurance before you begin any project. The list of those requiring proof of “liability” insurance is long. If you think about it, all that money just to satisfy these demands is frustrating. On top of that, there are builders who have been in business for decades who have never had a “third party” claim. So, what is the real value of General Liability insurance?

Think of it as insurance against “WHAT IFS.” What if a prospect for a home visits your office and trips and falls over a loose rug, fracturing her wrist? What if a subcontractor fails to install flashing around some windows and the homeowner sues you for the resulting water damage years later? What if the person you hired to manage your website posts damaging information about your main competitor and you’re sued for libel? What if a guest at your BYOB holiday party has too much to drink and causes a serious accident on the way home?
If you’re thinking the list of “what ifs” could go on indefinitely, you’re beginning to see just how “general” general liability can be. At the risk of over-simplifying, when it comes to general liability insurance, unless it’s excluded, it’s covered.*
Most people think “sure those things can and do happen, but what are the odds they’ll happen to me?” That’s a reasonable question, but it doesn’t take proper account of the facts. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Centers for Disease Control report the following facts about the most common type of claim:
• 16% of all injuries across all industries are the result of slips, trips and falls.
• 700 fatalities occur each year due to slips, trips and falls.
• $30,000 is the average cost of a slip, trip or fall accident.
• Snow, ice, rain, spills, loose mats, rugs and stepladders are the most common causes of these accidents
“What if” scenarios are endless. Here are two more that everyone should consider: (A) What if you are sued in a liability claim? Do you know what your policy covers? (B) What if your limits aren’t adequate to protect your assets? Can your business survive?
Call us today at 866-454-2155 to discuss your coverage needs. You can also check us out online at www.rwcinsuranceadvantage.com
Stay safe!
(*Not all “what ifs” mentioned in this article would necessarily be covered. Please read your policy carefully to know what coverage you have.)
Let’s talk about you. Do you build at least 20 homes per year? Or do you build at least $2 million in sales volume?
If you can answer yes to either question, have you considered joining our exclusive Incentive program?
The Incentive program is a great way for qualifying Members to effectively reduce their overall warranty costs by maintaining a high level of quality construction and customer service. Members receive “cash” back for a good claims record.
The idea behind the program is that if you have a good track record regarding claims issues for the 1st 5 years of your home enrollments, then the warranty company lets you “cash in” during the 2nd 5 years and earn back some of those premium dollars.
Both you and the warranty company chip in an initial minimum deposit to open up an Incentive account. Every time you enroll a home while in the Incentive program, the warranty company redirects a portion of the premium you’ve paid us into an account. As homes are enrolled, the fund grows. If you have a claim or hard-cost expenses (think Engineer’s structural inspection or geotechnical soils test) relating to a claim, we use this fund first – because those were insurance premium dollars that were being set aside rather than being paid to the insurer. If you don’t have a claim, the fund just keeps on growing.
Then beginning in year 6 and continuing through year 10, you start to receive checks back from us based solely on your own claims experience. It’s like betting on your own track record that you won’t have serious major structural defects in your homes.
If you have claims, you haven’t lost anything because you’ve paid the exact same rate that you were paying before joining the Incentive program. If you don’t have claims, you “cash in” and stand to get back up to 15% of your premium dollars.
After the first year, we’ll even waive your annual registration fee of $295 for every year that you participate in the program. That saves $1180 for your bottom line over the first 5 years even if you never get one penny back in distributions. It’s pretty much a win-win proposition.
So again I say, let’s talk about you. Can we help you cash in? Call us today at 800-247-1812, Ext 2149 for a free, no obligation illustration based on your company’s numbers and let’s see if we can help you benefit a little more from your good customer service.
Ah, fall is the air. Are you ready for brilliantly colored leaves, pumpkin flavored treats, apple cider, or, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? George Will once said, “Football combines the worst two things about America: violence punctuated by committee meetings”. What that means is that for the next five months many Americans who tune in to NFL games will be watching a lot of TV but, in actuality, very little football. Several studies including one by the Wall Street Journal have calculated that although an NFL game lasts about 3 hours and 12 minutes there are only a mere 11 minutes of actual play time that takes place. Why is that? One big culprit is the rules. The paperback version of the NFL rulebook is close to 300 pages in length and filled with rules and regulations that address almost every possible scenario that could take place during a game. And while the rules may seem excessive and overbearing, they serve to ensure the uniformity, integrity, and safety of the game and its players.
Rules impact nearly every aspect of our lives. We can’t get away from them, nor should we. There are rules for governance, conduct, mathematics, grammar, driving, even cooking and the list goes on and on. It is fair to say that without rules there would be anarchy. Rules provide a society with structure and accountability. As a builder or manufacturer, you too are subject to a unique set of rules that address every aspect of your homebuilding from development through settlement. And, if the rules aren’t followed, there can be big problems. Without proper site preparation, foundations can fail. Without proper flashing, homes will leak. Without proper placement of beams, loads won’t be supported. Without proper spacing between joists, floors will sag. And this list too goes on and on.
The good news is that if you are an RWC, HOME of Texas and/or MHWC member builder, only the best of the best are accepted into their program…builders/manufacturers that follow the rules. Your homebuyers can be assured that you have met the company's high standards of quality workmanship, financial stability, and ethical customer dealings. And, then there’s the rulebook…The Limited Warranty Agreement. Your homeowners are given a set of rules, in writing, that explains what’s acceptable, what’s not and what steps to follow. What a great way to show them your integrity and how much you care about the product you deliver. Vince Lombardi once said, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence”.
A simple number can really give you perspective. Perhaps you were on the fence about doing more remodeling? Or are trying to brainstorm ideas for a fresh take on the homes you build? Consider these numbers and be inspired to try that new kitchen design or implement features in your homes for the aging population, for example. ...Or simple impress your colleagues with some fun industry facts!
Percentage of current housing stock that offers all three of these features to support independent living for an aging population: zero-step entrances, single-floor living, and wide halls and doorways.
Average U.S. home size, which is nearly 30% larger than European homes, but smaller than the Australian average of 2032 sq. ft.
Size of the kitchen and bath remodeling industry.
The percentage of contractors that said the number one way to drive up costs is when homeowners ask for changes after a project begins. These changes increase the cost by an average of 10 percent.
When most insurance agents hear the RWC Insurance Advantage offers Claims-made general liability coverage, they warn their general contractor customers to stay away from it. They say you’ll be trapped by the “gap” in coverage that will open up the moment you try to leave. What happens upon termination of coverage is one of the biggest arguments against Claims-made. The way some agents talk, you’d think Claims-made is like the old children’s poem “The Spider and the Fly;” “Will you walk into my parlor?’ said the Spider to the Fly.” We know the fly enters - never to leave. These agents argue there would be no coverage for any claim made after policy termination even if the loss occurred during the time the policy was in force. And they would be right – with any other company’s Claims-made policy. Those companies will offer you a Supplemental Extended Reporting Period, or SERP, at the end of your policy term when you try to move your coverage to another company. They will charge you up to 200% of your expiring policy’s premium for the SERP. Who can afford that and the new policy premium as well?
This WILL NOT HAPPEN with the RWC Insurance Advantage’s unique Claims-made policy. With our policy, the SERP is offered UP FRONT, and we GUARANTEE that it will be attached, as long as your policy is not canceled for non-payment of premium. Rather than charge a large lump sum at the end for the SERP, we add a reasonable 25% charge to each policy term, and you have 6 years to pay it off. After that, the SERP is fully funded and we GUARANTEE it’s attachment at policy termination - no matter what. Even better, if you decide to leave before the 6 years are up you’ll still get the SERP - and NO COVERAGE GAP.*
The SERP is unlimited in duration and can never be canceled for any reason. It automatically restores limits that may have been used up by prior claims. Even if you decide to move your general liability coverage somewhere else after just one year with the RWC Insurance Advantage, you’ll still get the SERP – guaranteed.
So, walk into our parlor anytime without fear of being trapped. Call us at (866) 454-2155 and ask for Ron Sweigert or click here for a free no obligation quote.
(*Subject to short rate premium penalty if you cancel your current policy before its expiration date.)