Key Estates Warranty is a new affiliate of Residential Warranty Company, LLC, HOME of Texas and MHWC is now offering extended warranties for homes involved in real estate transactions across the country. Offered exclusively through a network of approved Real Estate Professionals, the Key Estates Warranty program provides extended warranty protection on a variety of appliances, systems and even structural components in existing homes.
Homeowners understand that eventually, most things break down. Extended warranties are a cost-effective way to deal with expensive and unexpected repair bills after moving into a newly purchased home. The package approach of Key Estates provides the homebuyer with the security of more comprehensive coverage but at a substantially lower rate than if they were to buy individual extended warranties on each item of equipment. Through Key Estates, homeowners are protected against potential financial burdens for one or two-year terms on covered items. Without an extended warranty, homeowners may have to pay hundreds – or even thousands - of dollars for repairs. With Key Estates, homeowners are responsible for only a small service fee.
Key Estates personnel will conduct a remote visual inspection of the appliances and mechanical systems that are eligible for coverage. We will visually inspect photos /videos of the appliances for “trouble spots” that could indicate an imminent failure and search for recall notices. When the appliances pass the inspection, Key Estates certifies the home as warrantable and an insurance backed warranty is issued. This certification should add an additional layer of peace of mind for everyone involved in the transaction.
Major Structural Defect Coverage
With the average cost of major structural defect repairs in this country exceeding $35,000, Key Estates offers valuable protection from financial disaster should a structural defect develop in their existing home. Under Key Estates, a homebuyer may opt for major structural defect coverage – similar to the coverage provided to new home builders under our 10-year warranty plans – to be added to their plan for 1 or 2 years. No other resale warranty plan in the country offers this type of tried and true structural protection on existing homes! In addition, a structural home inspection conducted by a professional, licensed engineer, is part of the requirement to verify the structural ‘health’ of the home. This optional structural coverage is available everywhere except for Colorado and certain areas in Texas that have been designated as active soils areas.
Flexibility & Control
In addition to the never before offered structural coverage on existing homes, setting this program apart from others is the level of flexibility built into our system. Homeowners have the freedom to choose their own repair provider when a covered appliance or system breaks down. Additionally, they can select optional coverage for many of the ‘extras’ such as swimming pools, spas, freezers, etc. to further customize their plan.
Real Estate Professionals benefit from Key Estates in a variety of ways. Exposure to customer service issues is dramatically reduced since the Key Estates’ administrator takes over complaint handling for problems with covered appliances, systems, and structural components. An administrative fee may be paid to the real estate professional for every warranty sold, generating extra revenue to make the program profitable and benefit that important bottom line. Ultimately, Key Estates provides a unique marketing tool that will set the Real Estate Professional apart from the competition.
Contact Us
For availability and more information about Key Estates or any of the other plans RWC and Affiliates have to offer, go to, call 866-394-5135 ext. 2149 or email us at
“Limited inventory”. “Rising interest rates”. “Barbell of imbalance”. Many homebuyers and real estate professionals alike are finding themselves challenged by the law of scarcity in today’s market. Simply put, there are more buyers than there are homes to fill. Anyone in the home building and buying world is intimately aware of the impact presented to us with this unique situation. There are several factors creating this imbalance.
First-time homebuyers who are starting families and move down buyers who are looking to downsize have put a strain on the inventory availability. The need for each group is similar, the wants may differ, but the need can be met with access to more inventory of affordable homes. With the average sales price of homes increasing exponentially, the opportunities for these buyers is continually diminished. Add in the threat that homes will now cost more because of rising interest rates, and a crisis is created. Interest rates are not currently creating a deferral impact upon buying trends, however, as the prices continue to rise, it prices many families out of the market entirely.
What does this all mean? To put it bluntly, the market needs more homes for the fixed income and average income buyers. Meeting these buyers needs starts at a price point and includes flexible options. Fixed income buyers who are downsizing tend to fall into the group of sellers that are cashing in on the equity increases in their current homes. They may be retiring or reducing their workload, pushing them toward fixed income levels. However, first-time homebuyers have a different hurdle. These apartment and rental home buyers need better programs in place to help them get out of the rental trap. With the increased need for rentals came the increased cost of renting. Many of the options available for renters taps out their income which reduces the chances that they can save money for a down payment. A good rental history shows they can afford the home, but they don’t have the income set aside for a 20% down payment. Does your company offer incentives to first-time homebuyers? What can your trusted lenders do to help them?
Although it is a challenge for the buyers, it is a positive for sellers and builders who are looking to gain a profit after a long stretch of being at a standstill. This opportunity for growth for builders is understandably a cautious undertaking. Willingness to work with these buyers can be rewarding to builders but it is wise to take precautions to avoid the pitfalls of the past. Ensuring that you work with other professionals who are licensed properly and that you are providing a high quality, warranted homes will set you as a builder apart from the crowd. Many lenders are now requesting that a 10-year structural warranty is in place when the buyer is using FHA/VA and USDA financing. As a member in good standing with RWC, you are in a position to meet this requirement and can meet the buyers lending needs.
In conclusion, home buying needs and demands are at the crossroads between availability and affordability. Somewhere in the middle is exactly where builders should strive to be to reap the rewards. As a tradeoff, qualified buyers are willing to settle for higher interest rates if given the opportunity to achieve the long-term goal of homeownership. Scarcity is real, but buyers are abundant.
You know homebuyers. They always have lots of questions. And not only just for you but they want to know about the products you used in their home. Below are many of the questions we get on a regular basis about the warranty you are providing with the homes you build. We just thought you should know in case any of these questions come up in your own conversations with your customers. If you need more information, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
What is the value of an RWC warranty to my homebuyers?
- An RWC warranty provides insured, written coverage on various items for a specific period of time.
- Third party assistance to resolve customer service issues is available under all of our programs.
- Homeowners receive a clearly written warranty document spelling out exactly what is and is not covered.
- The resale value of your buyer’s home is increased when our warranty is transferred to the next owner.
- Homeowners have assurance that assistance is available if a covered item is defective.
- Builders wishing to use RWC or an Affiliate’s warranty must demonstrate technical competence, financial stability and ethical business dealings with their customers. Knowing that your builder is a member of one of our programs is assurance that these standards have been met or exceeded.
- The average cost to repair a structural failure exceeds $30,000. Having a warranty in place means that covered structural components will be repaired without causing you or your homeowner serious financial hardship.
- There is a greater likelihood of a major structural defect developing in a home than there is a fire which causes major damage. Homeowners probably have insurance to protect against fire damage. Why not be protected from structural failures as well?
What exactly is covered under my warranty?
RWC and Affiliates have over 75 different warranty options. So the answer to this question depends on which warranty was placed on the home. Coverage varies depending on the program selected by the Builder and the state in which the home is located. Refer to the warranty book received at closing for exact coverage and warranty terms.
How does a homeowner start the claims process?
The specific procedures to address a potential defect in a home are spelled out in the warranty book. The homeowner must send written documentation either by email to RWC at or via certified mail, return receipt requested in order to initiate this process. We do not accept telephone or fax requests at this time.
What are mediation and arbitration?
RWC knows that, in the majority of cases, the root of many disputes is the lack of communication between a builder and a homeowner. Sometimes, all it takes to get an issue resolved is someone to take on the role of mediator and assist the others in coming to a fair and reasonable agreement, based on the warranty standards provided. Prior to heading to formal arbitration or costly litigation, RWC does its best to mediate disputes between Members and Homeowners.
Arbitration is a formal process conducted by an independent, neutral arbitrator to resolve disputes between two or more parties. In the case of our warranty programs, RWC uses arbitrators experienced in arbitrating residential construction matters. Unless prohibited by law, the decision of the arbitrator under our programs is binding on all parties, including the homeowner as well as the builder.
Your buyer has questions about the paperwork received regarding their home’s enrollment (duplicate book, incorrect information on Application for Warranty, etc). How do they contact RWC?
For questions regarding the Application for Warranty Form or any other Enrollment Paperwork issue, the homeowner may contact our main office at 717-561-4480 or click here and fill out our information request form.
The last couple decades have seen dramatic changes in the relationship between builders and their customers. A generation ago construction defect litigation rarely affected builders. In many jurisdictions, the old legal maxim caveat emptor, or “let the buyer beware”, applied to the sale of new homes. Twenty-first-century American society has turned that principle on its head. A more accurate watchword in these times is caveat builder or “let the builder beware” of litigious homeowners and plaintiffs' attorneys bent on making a lucrative monetary recovery in court for every perceived defect in every new home.
Residential construction litigation has increased in frequency and expense dramatically in the past two decades and exponentially in the past few years. Homeowners recover hundreds of millions of dollars from builders every year, and a typical settlement of a condominium association claim is not measured in thousands of dollars, but in millions of dollars.
A recent study revealed that more than half of all homeowner claims are about actual work performed in the building of the house and not about design, materials or maintenance. These complaints can create logistical headaches for builders and can lead to litigation that is expensive and tends to distract builders from their primary focus of building and selling homes. Express home warranties reduce the work, anxiety, and expense of these kinds of claims by spelling out the rights and remedies of the parties and by providing for arbitration, a quick and relatively inexpensive method for resolving disputes.
Arbitration provisions in express warranties provide that mutually agreed upon, neutral arbitrators hear the evidence from the parties and determine, without passion or prejudice for either side, who owes what to whom. Because most arbitration services have streamlined procedures, and because there are no juries for whom the lawyers must “dramatize” the case, arbitrations often result in less expense and reduced animosity between the parties.
In today's world, there is no reason why builders or homeowners should beware of dealing with each other after the settlement on a new home. If a builder provides his customer with an express warranty administered by a neutral third party, such as a new home builder warranty by RWC, both the builder and the homeowner can enjoy peace of mind because they have a clear and written description of how the home should perform and a quick, fair, and inexpensive process for resolving any disputes that might arise. All of RWC's warranty programs include out effective warranty resolution process which includes mediation and, if needed, formal arbitration.
If you need information on the procedures and/or rates to enroll ALL your building projects (remodeling, commercial, detached garages, condominiums, townhomes, etc.) with RWC to provide yourself with the most warranty protection available, contact your Account Executive at 800-247-1812, Ext 2149.