The recent redesign of our full-color customized home warranty books has been well-received and widely-celebrated by our Members.

We’ve seen a clear uptick in the usage of the full-color books since the redesign indicating that, combined with a boost in building activity, more Members are incorporating the books into their marketing programs and strategies to upgrade their marketing effectiveness.

One builder even expressed to his Account Executive his immense approval of this dynamic marketing tool, commenting that the enhanced look and feel strongly added value to the materials he presented to buyers.

Another large Member contacted his Account Executive immediately after seeing the fresh books to order new supplies for each of his divisions. He also commented that the books “were beautiful and would be very good for their marketing.”

Suffice it to say, the makeover has been a major hit with our Members and has definitely enhanced their marketing efforts.

If you’ve never reviewed our Customized State Warranty program - the most unique and specialized of home warranty plans in the industry - you don’t know what you’re missing. Each customized warranty is crafted specifically to meet each state’s statutes regarding new home warranties. The Builder’s liability is limited and individual state requirements for coverage are included, as applicable. What’s more, RWC’s insurer covers warranted structural failures from day one throughout the entire warranty term.

To learn more about this sensible home warranty plan, the full-color customized warranty books, and our additional home warranty programs, please visit RWC.

Join today to upgrade your marketing efforts!

Note: If you need to increase your supply of sample books, you have two options: 1) Either login to Warranty Express through our home warranty website or 2) Contact our Marketing Department to get what you need: 800-247-1812 Ext. 2105.