New Home Builder Warranties Warranties for New Homes and Remodeler Warranties

How do I Submit a Warranty Claim?

The specific procedures to address a potential defect in your home are spelled out in your warranty book. The warranty company will need to receive written documentation from you as outlined in the Requesting Warranty Performance section of the warranty book that pertains to your home. Notice can be sent by mail to the Administrator’s address or by email to For convenience, you may also use our online form. We do not accept telephone or fax requests at this time. You will need to provide:

  • Validation Number and Effective Date of Warranty;
  • Your Builder’s name and address;
  • Your name, address, email address and telephone number (including home, cell and work numbers);
  • A reasonably specific description of the Defect(s), (including the date on which the Defect was discovered);
  • A copy of any written notice to your Builder;
  • Photographs, if they would be helpful in describing the Defect; and
  • A copy of each and every report you have obtained from any inspector or engineer.
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